Hello to all of the brides who have landed on this page. I'd like to send over a nice glass of wine and a massage therapist to you as you begin this wonderful but oftentimes daunting task of planning the most fabulous, special day of your life! So let's take charge.
It is probably best to start with an estimated budget for how much you would realistically have to spend on your wedding in total, including your dress. After determining a ballpark budget, think about prioritizing items based on what is important to the bride and groom. If your budget needs a little help, a great way to expand it would be to create separate funds in your registry to contribute to things like your honeymoon, fireworks, flowers, photography/wedding album, (but not the venue/food). Guests love to be helpful in this way and they can be assured that you will really appreciate their gift.
It is so easy to get swept up in the minutiae, but try to take a step back every once in awhile and reassess what is really important to you as you go through the process since your perspective might change. For example, it's amazing how little it really takes to create your perfect ambience if you are creative. Your venue will have gorgeous chandeliers and sparkling crystal, so just adding your favorite flowers and perhaps colorful chair bows might be all you need. Remember if alcohol flows, the entree is delicious and there's great music, it's going to be fabulous. What will you remember about your wedding? What will you have after your wedding? That's what your main budget should be spent on. So let's start ticking items off your list:
1. Date
2. Venue for Ceremony/Reception & Officiate
3. Caterer and Cake
4. Photographer/Videographer/Band or DJ/Wedding Planner
5. Florist
6. Extras like Photo booth, fireworks etc.
7. Transportation for Bridal Party to Ceremony, Reception, Hotel
8. Book hotel for Bride&Groom. Book Blocks of hotel rooms.
9. Determine Rehearsal Dinner Date.
Fun Stuff!
1. Choose maid of honor, best man (both should be very responsible) & rest of wedding party.
2. Choose your dress, veil, shoes, jewelry etc.
3. Choose your wedding bands
4. Decide on color scheme
5. Bridal party dresses/suits/tuxedos etc.
6. Organize wedding site. i.e.https://www.theknot.com/ 7. Organize a Registry i.e.https://www.theknot.com/registry 8. Book your Engagement Photo Shoot
9. Send out "Save the Dates"
10. Organize Wedding Invitation
11. Organize Honeymoon!
A little advice about your bridal party: try to choose people who are helpful, truly love you and want your day to be as special and perfect as possible. You don't want any drama. It's your wedding day and you are the only diva! Lastly, try to enjoy this process and don't get overwhelmed. It's such a special time. You want your wedding day to be perfect but the most important thing is that you have found the most incredible love of your life who will be saying "I do". Good luck with your planning ladies!
Wondering how much to invest in your Wedding Photography:
